The Prophet Mohammed said, “There is no better companion on this way than what you do. Your actions will be your best friend, or if you’re cruel and selfish, your actions will be a poisonous snake that lives in your grave.” –Rumi Thinking is the opposite of acting, so if you are not acting you are thinking and if you are thinking too much

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There is nothing equal to patience in this world. Patience makes people very brave and great. This is mentioned in the Balakanda of Ramayana like this – अलङ्कारो नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य व/क्षमा दानं क्षमा यज्ञः क्षमा सत्यं हि पुत्रिकक्षमा यसः क्षमा धर्मः क्षमय निष्तितं जगत “Alankaro Naareenaam Kshama Tu Purushasya Va/ Kshama Danam Kshama Yajnah Kshama Satyam Hi Putrikah Kshama Yasah Kshama Dharmah

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Buridan’s Ass (Buridan’s Principle) named after the 14th century French Philosopher Jean Buridan. The principle is “an ass placed equidistant between two bales of hay must starve to death because it has no reason to choose one bale over the other“ I am reminded of the “Don’t be a donkey” story that I heard Derek Sivers narrate. The story goes, a donkey is stuck

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