Inspiration Exists But It Has To Find Us Working

This quote is attributed to Pablo Picasso. I find it true that inspiration comes to those who work. Then why is it hard to do the work. If you haven’t read Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, you must. It explains the reason why we are not working, it’s called the Resistance. Resistance keeps us from doing the work of our lives. Resistance comes in many shapes, sizes and forms and its only goal is to stop us from doing the work.

Do The Work by Steve Pressfield

How can we escape the resistance and do the work. I believe starting the work is half the battle but the other half is being disciplined to continue the work started all the way to the finish line. It requires not only discipline but conviction, dedication to the work started and a strong belief that it amounts to something in the long distant future.

Easy Peezy ha? Well what are you waiting for, get to work!

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