Ray Dalio’s 5 Steps to Getting What You Want Out Of Life

Have clear goals.

Identify and don’t tolerate problems that stand in the way of your achieving your goals.

Accurately diagnose the problems to get at their root causes.

Design plans that will get you around them.

Do what’s necessary to push these designs through to results.

What do you think? No-brainer?

What does having clear goals mean? I have a goal to get six-pack abs, but is that a clear goal? No. It’s a goal without a time box. If it were “I have a goal to get six-pack abs by Dec 31, 2020 6PM”, that would be a clear goal. Having a goal is not enough, what if you have the clear goal in mind but you don’t stop eating cupcakes and drinking soda every day. What if you don’t start doing the right workouts, take the right nutrition. Having clear goals is not going to automatically get you the six-pack abs, so then what else needs to happen?

Identify the problems. Solving problems is not limited to math class. Once you have set a clear goal, identify the problem(s) that stand in the way of achieving the goal. It’s the diet and the workout routines. that are not aligned with the six-pack goal.

Once the problems are identified, understand what exactly is causing these problems. Are you clear on which foods to eat and which to avoid? Are you clear on how much quantity to eat? Are you clear on what nutrition to take? Are you clear on which exercises to do to strengthen the core? Are you clear on how long or how many reps to do? Are you aware of which workouts are not recommended? Diagnose and get to the nitty gritty of the identified problems.

Once the problems are well understood, design a plan to get around them. May be it is the late night craving for an ice cream or skipping the hard workout routine. Design a plan to work around late night snacking. Keep healthy snacks at hand in case the craving kicks in. Avoid buying cakes, ice creams and other sugary snacks. Cut it at the source, once it is in the pantry it is harder to resist. Keep it away from sight, out of sight out mind can help. Skipped a training day, get back on track immediately. Don’t expect six-packs abs by walking 5 miles every day. If you want six-pack abs, you need to follow the recommended routines very strictly.

If you are not seeing the results, go back to Step 1 and rinse and repeat until you get the results. Don’t give up, don’t get distracted, don’t imagine progress, don’t be tempted, keep the focus or give up and go home, it’s better than pretending.

Inspiration Exists But It Has To Find Us Working

This quote is attributed to Pablo Picasso. I find it true that inspiration comes to those who work. Then why is it hard to do the work. If you haven’t read Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, you must. It explains the reason why we are not working, it’s called the Resistance. Resistance keeps us from doing the work of our lives. Resistance comes in many shapes, sizes and forms and its only goal is to stop us from doing the work.

Do The Work by Steve Pressfield

How can we escape the resistance and do the work. I believe starting the work is half the battle but the other half is being disciplined to continue the work started all the way to the finish line. It requires not only discipline but conviction, dedication to the work started and a strong belief that it amounts to something in the long distant future.

Easy Peezy ha? Well what are you waiting for, get to work!