When you cannot teach someone about something, that means you do not understand it. One way to understand something better is to start teaching it to people, learn from it and improve on it. Someone (Einstein, Richard Feynman or somebody) put it well, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Contrary to that idea, to get better at anything

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On Creating Fuels and Chemicals For The Next 100 Years and The Importance Of Accessible Role Models Karthish Manthiram is an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering at MIT. The Manthiram Lab at MIT is focused on the molecular engineering of electrocatalysts for the synthesis of organic molecules, including pharmaceuticals, fuels, and commodity chemicals, using renewable feedstocks. Karthish’s research and teaching have been recognized with

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On a mission to eliminate pregnancy related disorders in India and around the world, starting with early diagnosis of Preeclampsia. Sumona Karjee Mishra is a scientist turned entrepreneur. She co-founded Prantae Solutions along with her husband to disrupt treatment of pregnancy related disorders, with an initial focus on Preeclampsia which affects 5-8% of all  pregnancies worldwide. She received her PhD from the International Center

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“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” __Steve Jobs What’s your thing? Not your dad’s thing, not your neighbors thing, not your kids thing,

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In the beginning there was FORTRAN one of the first widely spread high-level programming language. Then came Algol, PL/1, Pascal, COBOL, BASIC, C, Lisp and others and then came javascript, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby and the more widely adopted object oriented programming languages C++ and Java. It took nearly 50 years to go from FORTRAN to Java. In contrast, AI research has been in

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Spirituality is not about religion and religion is not always about spirituality. Spiritual is ritual of the spirit, without spirit, spiritual is just that, a “ritual”. What is this spirit. It has to do with the core of one’s self without all the jumbo mumbo (“extra layers”) i.e. job, relation, name, skin color, character traits, physical body and so on. Who is Madhav without

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“If AI can recognize disease progression early, then treatments and outcomes will improve.” Isn’t it fascinating how little we understand about the brain?. A really good case for applying deep learning AI to recognize subtle patterns and changes to neuron activity can help in early diagnosis of Alzheimers disease. Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans researchers are able to measure the amount of glucose

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