On following ones curiosity, being comfortable with not fitting in and taking care of his next patient Dr. Sreekanth is a leading Neurologist at Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad. He received his MD from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and DM in Neurology from Institute of Medical Sciences at Chandigarh. Teaching medical students is one of his passions, he has been actively teaching and

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On a mission to rebuild real human connections locally, worldwide Somvir and Siddharth are co-founders of MyScoot platform which helps people discover great local experiences and meet amazing people through house parties. They are part of the Y Combinator Accelerator program and are fired up to change the way people build and develop social connections locally all around the world. “By the end of

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ददाति फ्रतिग्रिन्हाति गुह्यं आख्याति प्रच्छतिभुङ्क्ते भोजयते चैव षड्विदं मिथ्रलक्षणं // Dadati pratigrnhati guhyam akhyati prcchati /Bhunkte bhojayate caiva shdvdham mitralakshanam // English translation of the above Sanskrit Subhashita by Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya, former Vice-Chancellor R.S. Vidyapeet, Tirupati is as follows – He is a real friend who gives to others first and then takes anything from others, first reveals personal secrets to others and

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