“If you do the right thing, the right thing will come to you” Berry Gordy “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable man doesn’t do that; all progress comes from unreasonable people” G.B. Shaw “I have yet to meet a scientist who wants to maintain status quo” Eli Broad “That urgency, daily drive, that constant self-questioning integral in editing a paper,

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“Don’t worry about reputation but about character. You should build character by practicing empathy, practicing moral courage, practicing determination.” Jacqueline Novogratz “The revolution is going to happen without us. We were sure that software was going to change the world, and we worried that if we didn’t join the digital revolution soon, it would pass us by.” Bill Gates “We sometimes fall flat on

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Listen to the audio of this blog. “Don’t take ‘no’ when your gut tells you ‘yes’” James Patterson “Whatever drives us, we all derive happiness from finding purpose. We find joy in thinking, doing and discovering – in improving people’s lives and catalyzing positive change in the world.” Robert Smith “I should have done this a long time ago” Lou Gerstner “Truly great artists,

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