There is nothing equal to patience in this world. Patience makes people very brave and great. This is mentioned in the Balakanda of Ramayana like this – अलङ्कारो नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य व/क्षमा दानं क्षमा यज्ञः क्षमा सत्यं हि पुत्रिकक्षमा यसः क्षमा धर्मः क्षमय निष्तितं जगत “Alankaro Naareenaam Kshama Tu Purushasya Va/ Kshama Danam Kshama Yajnah Kshama Satyam Hi Putrikah Kshama Yasah Kshama Dharmah

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स्व कार्यं अद्य कुर्वीत Svah Karyam Adya Kurvita English translation of the above Sanskrit Subhashita by Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya, former Vice-Chancellor R.S. Vidyapeet, Tirupati is as follows – The work to be attended tomorrow, should be done today itself. Generally the human mind postpones important activities indefinitely. Chanakya the author of Arthasastra advises like this – Don’t postpone anything. Do attend the work planned

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ददाति फ्रतिग्रिन्हाति गुह्यं आख्याति प्रच्छतिभुङ्क्ते भोजयते चैव षड्विदं मिथ्रलक्षणं // Dadati pratigrnhati guhyam akhyati prcchati /Bhunkte bhojayate caiva shdvdham mitralakshanam // English translation of the above Sanskrit Subhashita by Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya, former Vice-Chancellor R.S. Vidyapeet, Tirupati is as follows – He is a real friend who gives to others first and then takes anything from others, first reveals personal secrets to others and

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