“Number of opinions on a topic is exponentially directly proportional to the triviality of the topic” Source for this blog idea: http://bikeshed.com, I heard about this profound idea from Matt Mullenweg of WordPress fame. Should we use technology X or Y to land the first spaceship carrying humans to Mars? Opinion 1: Yes to X Opinion 2: Yes to Y Opinion 3: May be

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स्व कार्यं अद्य कुर्वीत Svah Karyam Adya Kurvita English translation of the above Sanskrit Subhashita by Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya, former Vice-Chancellor R.S. Vidyapeet, Tirupati is as follows – The work to be attended tomorrow, should be done today itself. Generally the human mind postpones important activities indefinitely. Chanakya the author of Arthasastra advises like this – Don’t postpone anything. Do attend the work planned

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Veena is such a melodious string instrument but is it not part of the common accompaniment in a Carnatic concert? Listen to the Veena rendition of Sai Bhajans by Dhurjati, you will have to agree that this instrument can be and should be used more often in concerts. Has anyone tried using it in some kind of Fusion? Is there a smaller “guitar like”

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ददाति फ्रतिग्रिन्हाति गुह्यं आख्याति प्रच्छतिभुङ्क्ते भोजयते चैव षड्विदं मिथ्रलक्षणं // Dadati pratigrnhati guhyam akhyati prcchati /Bhunkte bhojayate caiva shdvdham mitralakshanam // English translation of the above Sanskrit Subhashita by Prof. S.B. Raghunathacharya, former Vice-Chancellor R.S. Vidyapeet, Tirupati is as follows – He is a real friend who gives to others first and then takes anything from others, first reveals personal secrets to others and

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