There is nothing equal to patience in this world. Patience makes people very brave and great. This is mentioned in the Balakanda of Ramayana like this – अलङ्कारो नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य व/क्षमा दानं क्षमा यज्ञः क्षमा सत्यं हि पुत्रिकक्षमा यसः क्षमा धर्मः क्षमय निष्तितं जगत “Alankaro Naareenaam Kshama Tu Purushasya Va/ Kshama Danam Kshama Yajnah Kshama Satyam Hi Putrikah Kshama Yasah Kshama Dharmah

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Buridan’s Ass (Buridan’s Principle) named after the 14th century French Philosopher Jean Buridan. The principle is “an ass placed equidistant between two bales of hay must starve to death because it has no reason to choose one bale over the other“ I am reminded of the “Don’t be a donkey” story that I heard Derek Sivers narrate. The story goes, a donkey is stuck

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I don’t know why it took so long for this book to come to me, recently heard of this masterpiece on life and living by Gibran Kahlil Gibran on a couple of podcasts and went to look for it on Google. Luckily, this book is available for free reading on the Internet Archive, this gem of a book was in plain sight but never

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Have clear goals. Identify and don’t tolerate problems that stand in the way of your achieving your goals. Accurately diagnose the problems to get at their root causes. Design plans that will get you around them. Do what’s necessary to push these designs through to results. What do you think? No-brainer? What does having clear goals mean? I have a goal to get six-pack

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Rethinking medical education for the 21st century clinicians and caregivers around the world. Shiv Gaglani is the co-founder and chief executive officer of, a leading health education platform with an audience of millions of current & future clinicians as well as their patients and family members. Shiv’s primary passion is developing innovative and scalable solutions in the fields of healthcare and education. In

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