Lessons From People No Smarter Than You

“With my dress, I was selling confidence and with its success, I was getting confident. Confidence in what you do is crucial”

Diane von Furstenberg

“Time to kick people and by “kick” I mean challenge, is when they’re on the way up, to remind them that when you’re growing, make sure your head is not growing too!”

Jack Welch

“My biggest mistake was thinking I shouldn’t show my mistakes – I learned I should.”

Jack Dorsey

“Your goal should never be starting a company. Focus on the change you want to make, find people who share your same purpose and eventually you may have an opportunity to build something that helps create purpose for others and has a positive impact on the world.”

Mark Zuckerberg

“There is a myth that being successful demands giving up commonsense values; integrity, generosity, courage, empathy etc. I respect ambition but not ruthless ambition.”

Meg Whitman

“For the economic, social and political benefit of all, the Web must be recognized as a public good”

Time Berners-Lee

“If you are not undermanned, you are overstaffed, and you will never see your heroes”

Jerry Jones

“All I had to do was wash dishes and I could earn $1.20 an hour. That was more than 99% of the people make back home in Pakistan.”

Shahid Khan

“It’s important to have good people around you.

Paul McCartney

“The clean energy economy can happen in the next 10 years. So when I think out 100 years, we’re going to be in a world of extreme abundance and peace and prosperity where people live these glorious lives or we’re going to be toast. It’s one or the other.”

Jeff Skoll

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